Cloud Computing: Introducing the Latest Trends on the Global Policy Environment and Practices


Cloud computing has added a significant new dimension to information technology (IT) by increasing access to technology and services that drive the nation’s economic growth. Cloud computing democratizes the use of advanced IT, allowing anyone – a start-up, an individual consumer, a government or a small business – to access and utilize technology that was once only available to large organizations. This has opened the door to unprecedented connectively, productivity and competiveness to businesses around the world.
However, concerns and misunderstandings about information security and privacy protection in the cloud has hampered adoption, limiting users from being able to fully enjoy the benefits of cloud computing. To enhance the adoption of cloud computing and its increase its societal and economic benefits, government and industry must work together to build trust that data will be effectively secured and used only according the expectations of the consumers and business involved.
International developments relevant to the international transfer of data of particular interest in Japan include the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Cross-Border Privacy Rules (CBPR) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), of which Japan is a participant; the EU-US Privacy Shield, a new framework for data transfer across the Atlantic; and surveillance reform in the US.
BSA’s “2016 Global Cloud Computing Scorecard” evaluates 24 countries, accounting for 80 percent of the world’s IT market, on their cloud computing readiness. The study finds that countries that have established policies encouraging the free movement of data, protecting privacy, data security and intellectual property, effectively punishing cybercrime are better positioned to promote cloud computing.
In this event, BSA will introduce the findings of the study and analyze the current status of cloud adoption in Japan. We will also provide an update on important global developments.
Through active discussions amongst the public and private sectors, we will attempt to break down misperceptions, share information, and explore ways that Japan can maintain its position as a global leader in cloud computing.

Event Details

  1. Date/Time

    Thursday, June 16th, 2016 at 10:00am-1:00pm  (venue open: 9:30am)

  2. Location/Venue

    The Tokai University Club (Kasumigaseki)


    Kasumigaseki Bldg. 35F,3-2-5 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo


  3. Fee

    Free of Charge (pre-registration required)

  4. Registration

    Please fill information in the below entry form and apply for participation.

  5. Organizer

    BSA| The Software Alliance (BSA)

  6. Supporter


    Japan Information Technology Services Association (JISA)

    Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA)

    The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ)

  7. Agenda

    (simultaneous interpretation provided):

    10:00 Opening Statement
    Jared Ragland, Senior Director, Policy – APAC, BSA | The Software Alliance
    “Findings of 2016 Cloud Computing Scorecard: Strengths and Continuing Challenges for Japan”
    10:20 Keynote Speech
    Chris Hopfensperger, Senior Director, Global Policy, BSA | The Software Alliance
    “Ensuring Data Flows and Rebuilding Trust: EU-US Privacy Shield and US
    Surveillance Reforms”

    10:50 Yasuhiko Taniwaki, Cabinet Councilor, Deputy Director-General, National center of Incident readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity

    “Recent Trend of Cybersecurity Policy”
    11:05 Tomoyuki Sakairi, Director for Convergence Strategy, ICT Strategy Policy Division, Global ICT Strategy Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)
    “Utilizing Cloud Computing for Revitalization of Rural Areas and Sophistication of Social/Community Services”
    11:20 Kazunori Yamamoto
    Director, Secretariat, Personal Information Protection Commission (PPC)

    “PPC’s Commitments on Ensuring Smooth Data Flow”
    11:35 break
    11:45 Seow Hiong Goh, Executive Director, Global Policy & Government Affairs, Asia Pacific, Cisco Systems, Inc.
    “Securing the Cloud – Ensuring Privacy, Promoting Security and Enabling Innovation”

    11:55 Michiyo Sasaki, Senior Director, Public Sector, Salesforce Industries,
    “What Is Necessary to Facilitate the Use of Cloud”

    12:05 Hirotaka Sakajiri, Symantec Japan, Inc.
    Reginal CTO
    Director, Sales Engineering Division

    “Think About a Fusion of Cloud and Security”
    12:15 Rountdable Discussion
    “How to Build on Current Success and Overcome Current and Emerging Challenges?

    12:55 Q&A
    13:00 Closed

    *Please note that speakers and presentation titles may change without prior announcement.


For Inquiries on the Event, Contact

  • Tomoko Naoe / Manager, Japan, BSA | The Software Alliance
  • Phone : 03-4360-5474
  • e-mail


Speaker Bio

Chris Hopfensperger
Senior Director, Global Policy
BSA | The Software Alliance
Chris Hopfensperger works with the BSA | The Software Alliance’s members to develop the BSA’s technology policy positions and articulate these positions to US and international policy makers. He advises members in such critical areas such as innovation, copyright protection, privacy, e-commerce, and cloud computing.
Prior to joining BSA, Hopfensperger served as a technology and trade policy associate with K&L Gates, where he advised companies and industry associations on pursuing legislation and representing their issues before Congress and the federal agencies and in the courts. Previously, Hopfensperger worked as a newspaper journalist. He edited and wrote for several metropolitan dailies, including The Washington Post, The Sacramento Bee, and the St. Petersburg Times.
Hopfensperger holds a law degree from the University of Michigan and a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Nebraska. He is based in BSA’s Washington, DC, office.
Jared William Ragland
Senior Director, Policy — APAC
BSA | The Software Alliance
Jared William Ragland
Jared Ragland serves as Senior Director, Policy — APAC at BSA | The Software Alliance. Working with BSA members, he develops BSA’s international strategies to open markets and promote innovation and digital trade in important foreign markets in the Asia-Pacific region, including China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, among others.
Before joining BSA, Ragland served as the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Attaché in the Shanghai Consulate General. Before that, he served as Director in the Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation in the Office of the US Trade Representative. From September 2005 to November 2007, Ragland served as the Science Policy Advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to APEC in the State Department’s Office of Economic Policy in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs.
Ragland received a Doctorate in Molecular and Cellular Biology from the University of Washington in 2004, a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, and a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in East Asian Studies and Anthropology from the University of Arizona. He is based in BSA’s Singapore office.
Yasuhiko Taniwaki
Cabinet Councilor, Deputy Director-General
National center of Incident readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity (NISC)
Yasuhiko Taniwaki
Yasu Taniwaki, Councilor, Cabinet Secretariat, joined Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) in 1984. After serving in several positions, including Economic Councilor and Telecommunications Attaché at the Embassy of Japan in US (2002-2005), Director of Competition Policy Division (2005-2007), Director of Telecommunications Policy Division (2007-2008), Director of Information Policy Division (2008-2011), Director of Policy Planning Division, Minister’s Secretariat (2011-2012) and Deputy Director-General, Information and Communications Bureau (2012-2013). He has served in his capacity since June 2013.
Tomoyuki Sakairi
Director for Convergence Strategy, ICT Strategy Policy Division
Global ICT Strategy Bureau
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Tomoyuki Sakairi joined Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (current Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications / MIC) in 1998. He has served positions in Telecommunications Consumer Policy Division, Telecommunications Bureau of MIC, Embassy of Japan in Thailand, and International Policy Division, Global ICT Strategy Bureau, MIC. He has been serving in his current capacity since August 2015.

Kazunori Yamamoto
Secretariat of the Personal Information Protection Commission
Kazunori Yamamoto
1993 Government Officer, Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Now known as Ministry of Economic, Trade and Industry(METI))
2009 Deputy Director, Information Policy Division, Commerce and Information Policy Bureau, METI
2010 Director General, Department of Commerce, Industry and Labor affairs, Oita Prefecture
2013 Director, Petroleum Distribution and Retail Division, Natural Resources and Fuel Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI
2015 Counsellor, National Strategy office of Information and
Communications Technology, Cabinet Secretariat
2016 Counsellor, the Secretariat of the Personal Information Protection Commission

Seow Hiong GOH
Executive Director, Global Policy & Government Affairs, Asia Pacific
Cisco Systems
Seow Hiong
Seow Hiong Goh has been in the ICT industry for the past 25 years – 10 years in government, and 15 years in the private sector working on ICT policy issues with governments across the Asia Pacific region. At Cisco, he advises government officials and regulators on a range of ICT-related policy issues, and assists governments in adopting policies and regulations that foster investment, innovation, growth and adoption of advanced ICT technologies and services. His current focus areas include advising on national broadband strategies and deployment, convergence policy, cyber-security and e-government.
Michiyo Sasaki
Senior Director, Public Sector, Salesforce Industries
Michiyo Sasaki
At, Michiyo Sasaki has lead business development for Public Sector business in Japan. Before joining, she worked as Sales director of Public sector, SAP Japan. Academic Background : B.A Home Economics / Ochanomizu Womens University
Hirotaka Sakajiri
Symantec Japan, Inc.
Reginal CTO
Director, Sales Engineering Division
Hirotaka Sakajiri
Hiro Sakajiri is Regional CTO and Director of Sales Engineering Division. Prior to Symantec, he was the Director of user authentication business unit in Verisign Japan where he took the lead in growing business and developing solutions. Before Verisign Japan, he was the head of professional services in Orange business services, involved in solution consulting, technical consulting and project management.

Business Software Alliance(ビジネス ・ソフトウェア・ アライアンス、以下BSA、日本語)、 (英語))は、エンタープライズソフトウェア産業を代表するグローバルな業界団体です。人工知能(AI)、サイバーセキュリティ、クラウドコンピューティング、その他の最先端技術をリードする企業を代表し、アメリカ合衆国、ヨーロッパ、アジアの20を超える市場で活動し、あらゆる分野の産業また一般消費者がイノベーションの恩恵を受けられるよう、テクノロジーに対する信頼を構築する政策を推奨しています。また、BSAは、不正ソフトウェア使用のリスクとソフトウェア資産管理のメリットに対する認識を高め、健全なIT調達による、ライセンスコンプライアンスとソフトウェア導入を世界中で推進することで、会員企業とその顧客を支援しています。


